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New territorial and identitary configurations of the movement of the roofless in florianópolis

Nuevas Configuraciones Territoriales E Identitarias De Lo Movimiento de los sintecho En Florianópolis

How to Cite
Canella, F. (2020). New territorial and identitary configurations of the movement of the roofless in florianópolis. Journal of Law and Society, 1(5), 27-45.

Francisco Canella, PhD

Francisco Canella, PhD

PhD En Ciencias Sociales, Universidad del Estado de Río de Janeiro, Profesor de la Universidad del Estado de Santa Catarina, Correo

Urban conflicts around housing have intensified in the last decade in Brazil. In Florianópolis, a medium-sized capital situated in the south of Brazil, the homeless movement achieved important victories through a strong organizational process. Under strong influence of the liberation theology, they formed an identity, calling themselves a popular movement, and their localities, communities, in opposition to the term favela (slums), with which territories inhabited by popular classes in Brazil are stigmatized. From the mid-1990s, the dwellers' associations experienced a gradual process of weakening, while non-governmental organizations became more central in those localities. Through the analysis of the struggle for housing and the organizational processes in a neighbourhood that emerged from them, we discuss about both the new territorial configurations and their actors' practice in those localities of the urban periphery of Florianópolis.

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