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  1. General considerations
  • The journal Avances en Educación y Humanidades only considers original and unpublished articles. Therefore, articles that have been published completely or in part by any other means will be rejected.
  • Articles that are in process of review to be published in other journals will be excluded from the review process.
  • With no exception, articles will be reviewed by academic referees or peers, external to the journal.
  • Those articles that cite at least one article previously published in the journal Avances en Educación y Humanidades or any other journal from Universidad de Cordoba will be favored in the revision process.
  • The journal accepts manuscripts written in Spanish, English or Portuguese. All the manuscript will be published with an abstract in English and Spanish, apart from the language in which the manuscript was originally sent.


  1. Characteristics of the manuscripts
  • Manuscripts should be prepared according to the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA) (6th Edition). 
  • The journal Avances en Educación y Humanidades assumes that all submitting authors agree to the publication of their manuscripts and are to be held responsible for their opinions or comments.
  • If a manuscript is admitted, printing rights and copyrights, at any form, belong to the editor of the journal.
  • Manuscripts should be written in standard language for scientific publications. The use of idioms belonging to cultures, regions, or specific places must be avoided. Should the manuscript require the use of colloquial language, a previous approval by the editor will be needed.
  • Withdrawal of a manuscript from the revision process should be requested in writing to the editor and will become effective under the editor’s response to such request. 
  • Avances en Educación y Humanidades will automatically reject all manuscripts that implicitly or explicitly have experiences, methods, procedures, or any other activity that promote unethical, discriminatory and offensive practices.


  1. Preparation of manuscripts

Manuscripts must be written in first or third person in a word processor, as a single column, single spacing and 12 point Times New Roman type. Page margins will be of 3 cm on all sides. The manuscript, including abstracts, charts, figures, references and the titles for charts and figures, should not exceed the specified number of words for each type of publication.

In the manuscript, authors will use the word "figure" to refer to all illustrations (graphics, photos or original drawings). Figures must be of good quality and have readable text when needed. Photographs should be clear and focused, and light conditions should be optimal. All the charts and figures must have a title. This title should be located on the top, for charts, and for figures, the title should be located on the bottom. Besides, all charts and figures must be numbered, cited in the article and without frameworks. Charts are not accepted in image format and all of them must be attached at the end of the document on separate pages. The maximum number between charts and figures will be 10. Figures should be sent in a different file with the following specifications: TIFF format, resolution: 300 pixels per inch and 16 cm wide.
In case of including photographs, authors must send the original files and indicate the source with the following requirements: JPG format, resolution: 180 pixels per inch and 26 cm wide. If Microsof Excel is used for graphics data, authors should send the file in xls or xlsx format.

3.1. Reception and evaluation of articles
Once received an article for possible publication, an email confirming the reception of the article will be sent to the authors. The process will continue with the verification of compliance with standards and requirements. After that, the article will be confidentially sent to two academic referees, external to the university, who will be in charge of evaluating the article through a double-minded mode. A third referee will evaluate the article in case of disagreement. In all cases, the necessary measures to ensure that the article does not present elements that allow evaluators identify the authors will be taken.

The editor of the journal will be the only responsible for communicating to the authors the results of the evaluations. The Editorial Board and the editor may refuse those articles that do not meet the requirements and standards of the journal, as well as make editorial changes (with the approval of the authors) concerned with grammatical rules, layout, and distribution of editorial space.


3.2. Type of publications

3.2.1. Articles resulting from scientific and technologic research.
These articles share, in a detailed way, the original results of scientific or technologic research projects already finished. Maximum number of words: 8000.

3.2.2. Reflections
These type of articles present research results from an analytical, interpretative and critical perspective, and relate to specific, theoretical and methodological topics using original sources. Maximum number of words: 8000.

3.2.3. Review of research
Those that analyze, systematize and integrate the results of research projects, already published or not, with the purpose of showing improvements and trends in the particular field of each article. Maximum number of words: 8000.

3.2.4. Review of topics
These articles present a critical review of the literature about a specific topic. Unlike reviews, these can be based on empirical and theoretical papers and refer to different aspects from results of researches such as theoretical positions, application areas, relation to other areas, etc. Maximum number of words: 8000.

3.2.5. Reflections not resulting from research
Those that present a critical and interpretive point of view of the author about a specific topic. Unlike reflections, these can be based on empirical and theoretical sources already published, from other authors or the author himself, and not with results of finished research projects done by the author. Maximum number of words: 8000.

3.2.6. Reviews
Short texts, with no more than 3000 words, that provide a critical view and panorama about a publication.

3.2.7. Interviews
Interviews of thinkers of the educational and humanities field will be published. This type of publications is subject to the criteria set by the editorial board. Maximum number of words: 3000.

3.2.8. Short articles
A short document that presents the preliminary results of a scientific and technological research needing soon dissemination. Maximum number of words: 3000.


  1. Structure of the articles

All the articles must contain the following preliminary sections, as described below:

Title of the article
The title must be written in Spanish and English, lower case and bold. The title in English should be written beneath the title in Spanish, with double spacing and 10 point. The title must be precise and informative, with no abbreviations and no more than 12 words. Names in Latin will be written in italics. Beneath the title in English, a shorter title in English with no more than eight words should be written.

Those who participate with the planning, implementation, elaboration, discussion and writing of an article. The name of the authors must be written in the following way: First name, first last name and the first letter of the middle name written in capital letter followed by a coma, with exceptions of registered firms, creed or other. Both last names may be also included if joined by a hyphen (Gómez-Hernandez), followed by a coma and a superscript indicating the affiliation of each author and the last title or degree obtained by the author (requiring at least professional or technologist titles. No candidates accepted).

The following abbreviations will be used as appropriate: Specialization (Esp.), Master (MA), and Doctor (Ph.D.), or the abbreviation of the professional title. It should be indicated with and asterisk the corresponding author and write his/her email, which will appear in the article and therefore will be public. The institutional affiliation of the authors must be hierarchical: Institution, faculty, department, institute, group of study, etc., mailing address, city and country.

It should have 250 words as maximum and 150 as minimum, written in only one paragraph. It should provide a clear idea of the content of the article. For the articles resulting from research, the abstract must be structured, including the following subtitles: objectives, materials and methods, results, and conclusions, written in bold within the paragraph. After each subtitle, a period (.) must be written, followed by the corresponding text of each subtitle.

Key words
Short terms that define the content of an article and allow to locate it in an automated file. It is suggested to use no more than six words written in alphabetical order and which are not included in the title of the article.

It is the abstract written in Spanish. It follows the same structure and content.

Palabras claves
It is the key words translated into Spanish.

Presents the area of the article and succinctly does a review of backgrounds. Moreover, it also describes the purpose, objective, and research question and its rationale.

Besides the above, the articles resulting from research should include the following sections:

Theoretical framework
Includes a conceptual framework in which the grounds in which the research is framed are discussed. It also includes a state of the art of literature review in which previous researches related to the objective of the article are critically revised.

It includes a description of the methodology, participants and their context, procedures, data collection instruments and procedures for the analysis and interpretation of the data.

This section reports the findings from the analysis of the data collected, without including comments or references to other papers.

It interprets the results in the light of the context of the research and its participants, and relating the findings to research projects of other authors.

This section discusses the importance and implications, recommendations, limitations and scope of the research. It also suggests future possible studies derived from the research.

The other type of the articles will include after the introduction, the organization and sections that the authors consider appropriate. All the articles will include a reference section.

In this section must only appear those articles directly related to the research in order to avoid extensive bibliographies. The references should follow the American Physiological Association, APA style (6th edition). Some examples are included below:

Articles from scientific journals:
Taborda Caro, M., & Quiroz Posada, R. (2015). Relaciones entre currículo y didáctica de las ciencias sociales: encuentros en la encrucijada. PROSPECTIVA, 0 (19), 483-500.

Rogoff, B. (2003). La Naturaleza Cultural del Desarrollo Humano. New York: Oxford University Press.


Capítulo de libro:

Kozulin, A. (2003). Psychological tools and mediated learning. In A. Kozulin, B. Gindis, B. Ageyev, & S. Miller (Eds.), Vygotsky's educational theory in cultural context (pp. 15-38). Cambridge, U.K.; New York: Cambridge University Press.
The list of references must be presented in a separate sheet and in strict alphabetical order. For the articles resulting from research, reflections, reviews and reflections not coming from research, up to 30 references will be accepted. Reviews of research articles must have at least 50, but no more than 60 references.
References must be updated and, in the case of research articles, no older than 10 years. Older references can be included at the discretion of the editorial board. Book references cannot overpass the 20% of the total of references in the article, no matter what kind of publication it is.

  1. Print and copy rights

Authors must commit to give the reprint rights of the published material to the journal Avances en Educación y Humanidades. Complete or partial publishing or translation of the Journal must have a written permit from the editor. The Journal and the Universidad de Cordoba are not responsible for the opinions and outcomes published by the authors. All articles presented to the Journal must follow the international rules of the sixth edition of the APA style for writing articles.

  1. Arbitration process

The Editorial Board of the Journal Avances en Educación y Humanidades only considers those articles that fulfill its editorial policy. Authors are notified if their articles are not accepted and the articles are stored in the historical archives of the Journal. All articles are revised following a double-blind procedure. The acceptance of an article depends on the author’s willingness to accept the suggestions and make the modifications the academic referees recommend; in a no more than 15 days deadline after the author is notified. The Editorial Board reserves the right to make the necessary modifications to adapt the text to the norms of publication of the Journal without changing the content of the article, which is only the author’s responsibility. The Editorial Board of the Journal Avances en Educación y Humanidades is who ultimately decides the acceptance and subsequent publication of the received articles. The receipt of the articles does not imply the obligation to publish.


  1. Article submission process

Those interested shall submit to the editor via e-mail ( the manuscript of their article along with the declaration and auto-review form. The authors must sign both forms. The Journal will acknowledge receipt of an article after 10 days of the submission and the corresponding author will be notified about the status of the article within a maximum period of two months. Communication between the Journal and the authors will be only held with the corresponding author.

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