Análisis confirmatorio del instrumento que mide las competencias generales en egresados de dos facultades de la Universidad de Córdoba
Análisis confirmatorio del instrumento que mide las competencias generales en egresados de dos facultades de la Universidad de Córdoba Confirmatory analysis of the instrument measuring general competencies in graduates of two faculties of the University of Córdoba
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The objective of this article is to determine the construct validity and internal consistency of the instrument that measures the impact of the General Competencies on the work performance of the graduates of the Faculties of Basic Sciences and Health Sciences of the University of Cordoba. A sample of 1149 graduates (63% of the target population with cohort in the academic period 2019-I) of the programs of the Faculties studied was considered, evaluating the internal consistency of the instrument applied through Cronbach's alpha coefficient, then the factorial structure of this was found and evaluated through an exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis, respectively. In general terms, a Cronbach's alpha value equal to 0.93 was observed, so that all the items of the instrument are accepted. A four-factor structure was obtained (cumulative variance 42%) with good fit (χ2 = 990.591 - p < 0.000; CMIN/DF=2.88; RMSEA = 0.065 IC90% (0.06 – 0.07); SRMR = 0.0496; AGFI = 0.83; GFI = 0.856)). Finally, it is concluded that the questionnaire constituted by the general competencies has adequate items, recommending its use in impact measurement studies of graduates belonging to populations with similar characteristics
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