Estimación de la humedad superficial del suelo por métodos directo e indirecto y su efecto en la escala
Estimación de la humedad superficial del suelo por métodos directo e indirecto y su efecto en la escala
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This study statistically compared 2211 estimates of soil surface volumetric moisture (HS) by gravimetric method, with 88 HS estimates by indirect determination of in situ water potential, in sampling units in the Quindío River basin (Colombia), during seven evaluation periods. The Heronian average of the gravimetric HS, conglomerates, non-parametric longitudinal variance and a non-linear model were analyzed. Five strata were formed that presented clear distinction with p-value < 0.00001, there was no relative effect to time and a determination coefficient of 68% was obtained. In conclusion, it is considered that the estimation of HS by direct or indirect measurement are substitute methods and do not present scale effect, because it maintains the same support and amplitude, even with different spacing of sampling points.
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