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Current status of the cnidarian collection of the Zoology Laboratory of the University of Córdoba, Colombia

Estado actual de la colección de cnidarios del Laboratorio de Zoología de la Universidad de Córdoba, Colombia

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Llorente-Vega, J. L. ., Negrette-Lagares1, L. C. ., Méndez-Páez, A. P. ., & Quirós-Rodríguez, J. A. . (2023). Current status of the cnidarian collection of the Zoology Laboratory of the University of Córdoba, Colombia. Facultad De Ciencias Básicas, 3(1).

Jorge L. Llorente-Vega
Ladis C. Negrette-Lagares1
Ana P. Méndez-Páez
Jorge A. Quirós-Rodríguez

The Academic Collection of the Zoology Laboratory of the University of Cordoba (LZUC), has the Marine Invertebrates Area that houses all the groups related to marine organisms from field practices, graduate work or research projects, in addition, it is a space for research, environmental education and biodiversity conservation. The cnidarian reference collection of LZUC receives a large number of specimens that are not generally inventoried and registered, so its revision, maintenance and conservation was initiated in accordance with Darrigran et al. (2007) and Fuentes and Cedeño-Posso (2022), including information on labels and updating its database. The cnidarian collection now has 79 lots and 623 biological records with 75% determined at species level, distributed in 10 orders, 18 families and 22 genera.

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