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Humoral inmune response against the recombinant protein of plasmodium vivax r200l

Respuesta inmune humoral contra la proteína recombinante r200L de Plasmodium vivax.

How to Cite
Yasnot A, M. F., & Sánchez L, Y. L. (2017). Humoral inmune response against the recombinant protein of plasmodium vivax r200l. Journal Advances in Health, 1(1), 45-54.

María Fernanda Yasnot A
Yeliana Lucía Sánchez L

Objectives. To determine the humoral immune response to recombinant protein r200L of Plasmodium vivax in malarial infected and exposed individuals to residing in Tierralta - Córdoba. Linking demographic variables (gender, age, previous malarial); with the humoral response to protein produced by Plasmodium vivax r200L. Materials and Methods. The sampling was done for convenience, taking 84 samples, 42 were for patients infected with P. vivax, and 42 samples from people exposed to infection, all collected in Tierralta-Cordoba, the procedure was done using the technique of enzyme immunoassay (ELISA), the antibodies titre was related to demographic characteristics (gender, age, previous malarial), of the study population. Results. In both populations, the patient and exposed it became clear that the immune response was higher in the titles  of 1:800, in some patients presenting high titles of antibodies to 1:3200. Conclusions. There is natural antigenicity to protein r200L of P. vivax in the study population and found not direct relationship with sociodemographic variables studied population.

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