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Characterization of maternal out comes of primary postpartum hemorrhage in a hospital in Monteria, Colombia, 2016

Caracterización de los desenlaces maternos de la hemorragia posparto primaria en un hospital de Montería, Colombia, 2016.

How to Cite
Bula Romero, J., Guzmán Arteaga, M. del P., & Sánchez Caraballo, Álvaro. (2017). Characterization of maternal out comes of primary postpartum hemorrhage in a hospital in Monteria, Colombia, 2016. Journal Advances in Health, 2(1), 26-38.

Javier Bula Romero
María del Pilar Guzmán Arteaga
Álvaro Sánchez Caraballo

Objective. To describe the demographic characteristics and interventions performed as well as the maternal out comes in women who presented hemorrhage  in  the  first  24  hours  postpartum  or post-cesarean in a medium-complexity hospitalin Monteria,Colombia, South America. Materials and method. This was a retrospective, descriptive, and exploratory study  based  on  the  analysis  of  clinical  records. Results. The patients’ ages ranged between 13 and 42 years. The major it y were multiparous; more than 50% of the patients lived in a consensual union and resided in the urban area. 75% of the cases identified were sent from the first level sof health care in the department  of  Córdoba. The issue  retention  and traumatisms in the vaginal canal were the central causes of postpartum hemorrhage. 50%of the cases required blood transfusion with red blood cells or Rh. 17% required admission to an ICU and 33% of the remaining cases required surgical management. Two patients required subtotal hysterectomy, and both were first-regnancy adolescents. Conclusions. The most frequent causes of postpartum hemorrhage in vaginal deliveries are related to traumatisms in the vaginal canal and to the retention of placental tissue and remains of ovular membranes.

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