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Solid waste in social interest housing

Residuos sólidos en viviendas de interés social.

How to Cite
Petro Falón, L., Ocampo Rivero, M., Rodríguez M, B., & Polo A, Y. (2017). Solid waste in social interest housing. Journal Advances in Health, 2(1), 39-45.

Luz Petro Falón
Mónica Ocampo Rivero
Brigitte Rodríguez M
Yuleidis Polo A

Objective. Determine the knowledge of and attitude to ward the management of solid house hold waste that the inhabitants of social housing have in the municipality of Monteria. Materials and methods. This was a descriptive, quantitative, and cross-sectional study with information collected through the application of a question naire, which evaluated aspects related to the knowledge of and attitude of people toward the man agement of solid house hold waste. The study was carried out in 24 apartment towers of social-interes thousing. Arandom sample of 175 apartments was chosen, and a questionn aire was administered to the heads of house holds forthe collection of the information, which was collected inphysical formand process edin SPSS. Results. The finding sindicated that 68% of heads of households have knowledge of somere cycling techniques; 60% reported that they do not separate the waste; 70% of them did not separate technological waste; 65.7 % of the respondents were not cleara bout what is called solid waste; and 63.5% of them did not know the color code that allows an adequate classification ofwaste. Conclusion. In the home sunder study, it is necessary to implement strategies to improve the knowledge of the inhabitants that contribute to an adequate separation in the source of the household solid waste to favor the reduction in the production of garbage and the development of anawareness of the care for the environment.

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