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Obstacles and challenges for the development of information systems in the health sector

Obstáculos y retos para el desarrollo de sistemas de información en el sector salud.

How to Cite
Gutiérrez T, A. T., Peña G, R., Peña G, N. I., Rosario Cruz, R., & López Silva, S. (2017). Obstacles and challenges for the development of information systems in the health sector. Journal Advances in Health, 2(1), 56-65.

Agustin T Gutiérrez T
Ricardo Peña G
Norma I Peña G
Roberto Rosario Cruz
Saúl López Silva

Objective. The purpose of  Information  Systems  in Health  (SIS)  is  to  improve  the  health  of  individuals and populations through the appropriate application of  knowledge  generated  by  the  organization  of information in such systems. Materials and methods. A literature review was conducted through the experiences and results obtained in the development and implementation of an SIS. Results. The analysis of the requirements is the starting point for the development or acquisition of any software product. The SIS must consider the inclusion of the necessary data for the investigation and allow for its organization depending on the type of inquiry that will be carried out. It must simplify and accelerate access to critical information while controlling access to data, facilitate the statistical processing of large amounts of data, and finally facilitate the exchange of data between different systems. Conclusions. The set of obstacles and challenges for the development of the SIS listed in this article confirms the high complexity of this type of information systems for which mature and detailed planning is needed.

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