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Effectiveness of the Tuberculosis Control Program in state entities. Department of Cordoba, Colombia 2015

Efectividad del Programa de Control de Tuberculosis en las entidades estatales. Departamento de Córdoba -Colombia 2015.

How to Cite
Tejada Vergara, B., Villadiego Chamorro, M., & Amador Ahumada, C. (2018). Effectiveness of the Tuberculosis Control Program in state entities. Department of Cordoba, Colombia 2015. Journal Advances in Health, 2(2), 29-38.

Beatriz Tejada Vergara
Marilyn Villadiego Chamorro
Concepción Amador Ahumada

Objective. To measure the effectiveness of the Tuberculosis Control Program in the different entities of the department of Córdoba. Materials and methods. This is a descriptive and retrospective study.  The researchers used data from the secondary sources relating to social, demographic, epidemiological, clinical, laboratory, treatment, final evolution, and diagnosis to analyze the behavior of the attention and the degree of therapeutic adherence to tuberculosis. Results.  In 2015, the prevalence of disease was 17 cases per 1000 inhabitants.  In four of the six geographic target areas, the prevalence exceeded the national average.  The regions with the highest incidence were the Alto Sinú and Alto San Jorge.  The lowest was the coastal and savanna areas.  79.2% of the cases were incidents, 18.8%, relapses, and 2.1%, treatment withdrawal. In 68.7% of the reviewed histories of the cases attended in the public network, no institutional evidence of activities performed to contacts was found. Patients go for the initial consultation after a period between 31 to 60 days of symptoms. 12.5% of the cases were diagnosed after 15 days of the initial consultation.  In 14.6% of the cases, the tuberculosis treatment started after 16 days of the patient’s initial meeting.  In 41.7%, negative sputum smear microscopy was achieved.  37.5% of those who completed their treatment but did not undergo BK at the end. 2.1% of the cases failed, and 14.6% died. The process ended with positive bacilloscopy. Conclusions. There are program management factors that delay in identifying the probable instances and initiate treatment promptly.

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