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Incidence of delirium in patients with coronary syndrome acute in intensive care units

Delirio en pacientes con síndrome coronario agudo en una unidad de cuidados intensivos

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Sánchez Caraballo, Álvaro, Herrera Herrera, J., Cárdenas Díaz, N., & Oyola López, E. (2019). Incidence of delirium in patients with coronary syndrome acute in intensive care units. Journal Advances in Health, 3(1), 26-33.

Néider Cárdenas Díaz
Edison Oyola López

DELIRIUM is a variation acute state of consciousness, often in intensive care (ICU). Its incidence varies widely, featuring different correlated clinical features. Objective. To determine the incidence of delirium in patients with acute coronary syndrome (ACS) in the ICU, as well as the correlation of delirium (CAM-ICU) and the degree of severity of the disease (APACHE-II). Materials and method. Descriptive, prospective, quantitative study. Made during the fourth quarter 2015. Patients under the inclusion criteria, applied the CAM-ICU diagnostic tool, to detect the presence of delirium, as well as a review of medical history, and operationalization of variables. The objectives set were obtained after a multivariate statistical analysis descriptive and correlational. Results. The incidence of delirium in the clinical study group was 37.5%, with average age for patients with delirium of 67 vs 64 years for those who did not. The degree of association between delirium and operacionalizadas clinical features have one significance greater than 0.05%, as well as the relationship between delirium and the percentage of mortality according to APACHE-II (Phi 283). Conclusions. The incidence of delirium in patients with ACS in the ICU was 37.5%, evidencing a non-significant statistical association between delirium and the identified clinical characteristics. The mortality rate behaved independently to the emergence of delirium.

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