Comportamiento de los determinantes sociales de la salud en venezolanas migrantes gestantes en Colombia
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Objective: Establish the social determinants of health in pregnant migrant women from Venezuela settled in a city in Colombia.
Methods: This is a descriptive cross-sectional study, where the social determinants of health were analyzed in 79 pregnant migrant women who attended the prenatal control program of a health institution, through data from primary and secondary sources (structured survey and medical records records).
Results: It was found that 87% of these women had an irregular migratory situation, 97.5% are not insured in the Colombian health regime, 67% do not have a vaccination regimen and 79.7% do not consume the essential micronutrients during pregnancy. About their stay in Colombia, 89.8% experienced treatment compatible with xenophobia and 60.7% discrimination based on gender. Also 96% of those surveyed consider that their life are in danger due to the conditions and 69% feel dissatisfied with the Colombian migratory care network.
Conclusions: The results show the negative health conditions of pregnant women who migrate under forced conditions, making it necessary to recognize this situation as a public health problem and strengthen support networks in countries that receive forced migratory people, guaranteeing a comprehensive and differentiated care for all migrants, especially those who belong to populations with a high degree of vulnerability, such as pregnant women.
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