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Donor population analysis for “A” antigen subgroups in Yopal, Casanare


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Santamaría J., A. ., Herrera G. , D. ., Urbina R, J. ., Vargas R. , L. J. ., García A, L. ., & Martínez G, M. . (2023). Donor population analysis for “A” antigen subgroups in Yopal, Casanare. Journal Advances in Health, 6(1), 36-41.

Astrid Santamaría J.
Diego Herrera G.
Johana Urbina R
Ledmar Jovanny Vargas R.
Lorena García A
Melissa Martínez G

Astrid Santamaría J.,

Coordinación del banco de sangreCoordinación del banco de sangre

Hospital Regional de la Orinoquía (HORO), Yopal, Colombia

Diego Herrera G. ,

Hospital Regional de la Orinoquía (HORO), Yopal, Colombia

Bacteriólogo. Servicio de bacteriología y laboratorio clínico

Johana Urbina R,

Hospital Regional de la Orinoquía (HORO), Yopal, Colombia

Bacterióloga, Servicio de bacteriología y laboratorio clínico,

Ledmar Jovanny Vargas R. ,

Hospital Regional de la Orinoquía (HORO)

MD. Especialización en epidemiología, División de investigación,

Lorena García A,

 Hospital Regional de la Orinoquía (HORO), Yopal, Colombia

MD. Especialización en epidemiología, División de investigación

Melissa Martínez G,

Estudiante, Programa de medicina, Facultad de ciencias de la salud, Universidad de Boyacá

Objective: The study seeks to analyze in a population, the subgroups of the “A” antigen in donors in Yopal-Casanare in 2020. Materials and methods: It is a cross-sectional descriptive study, information was gathered through the blood bank database of the Hospital Regional de la Orinoquía (HORO) in donors from January to December 2020, accessing to immunohematological records. Results: A total of 3341 donors’ records were obtained, 600 of them were initially classified as A, and from these, 465 were subclassified as A1 equivalent to 77.88% and 135 as A2, that is, 22.61%. Conclusion: It was possible to identify the importance of determining the subgroup of blood group A donors, since sensitization may occur in patients that trigger adverse events in the future.

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