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Abordaje integral de la persona geriátrica en la atención primaria en salud

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Manjarrez-Montes, J. A., & Horta-Gómez, C. L. (2024). COMPREHENSIVE APPROACH TO THE GERIATRIC PERSON IN PRIMARY HEALTH CARE. Journal Advances in Health, 7(1), 55-69.

Jesús Alberto Manjarrez-Montes
Catalina Luz Horta-Gómez

Jesús Alberto Manjarrez-Montes,

Profesional en Medicina, Universidad de Cartagena, Colombia. Médico de Atención Primaria en Programa de Riesgo Cardiovascular y Promoción y Prevención Primaria en IPS SALUD DEL CARIBE S.A, Cartagena, Colombia. 

Catalina Luz Horta-Gómez,

Profesional en Medicina, Universidad del Sinú-Elías Bechara Zainúm, Seccional Cartagena, Colombia. Médico de Atención Primaria en Programa de Riesgo Cardiovascular BIENESTAR IPS S.A, Cartagena, Colombia

Objective: Consolidate validated scientific evidence for the assessment of older adults with the aim of a comprehensive approach during the primary health care process. Materials and methods: A review of the literature focused on research from the last 10 years was carried out in relation to the techniques and scales for the comprehensive evaluation of the geriatric user in primary care, using predefined search criteria and structured analysis by consulting the three main medical information databases. Results: the geriatric user assessment techniques and scales identified are consolidated into two categories: quality of life and perceived morbidity; in them, the need to apply diagnostic tools for the detailed evaluation of functional status, mobility and nutritional status for effective primary care is relevant. Discussion: The comprehensive evaluation allows solving minor health problems that are expressed as isolated symptoms of discomfort, pain, discomfort in general associated with the functioning of the organs and body systems, which interact in the subject affecting the cortical systems; the above leads to a deterioration in the perception of quality of life as it is associated with affective symptoms such as depression, sadness, disability; by identifying and treating the cause of these minor disorders by addressing their specific needs, the quality of life and well-being of older adults is improved. The review highlights the need to maintain a comprehensive and holistic approach to optimize the diagnosis and treatment of underlying medical conditions. Conclusion. In Primary Health Care (PHC), a comprehensive approach to the living and health conditions of subjects in older adulthood is essential.

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