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Habilidad de cuidado y factores relacionados en cuidadores de adultos mayores que asisten a un centro de cuidado renal

Habilidad de cuidado y factores relacionados en cuidadores de adultos mayores que asisten a un centro de cuidado renal

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LLORENTE- PÉREZ , Y. J. ., HERRERA- HERRERA , J. L. ., & ARTEAGA-NORIEGA, A. . (2024). Habilidad de cuidado y factores relacionados en cuidadores de adultos mayores que asisten a un centro de cuidado renal. Journal Advances in Health, 7(2).



Enfermera. M.Sc. en Salud Pública. Profesor Asistente


Enfermero. M.Sc. en Enfermería. Profesor Asistente


Enfermero. Ph.D. en Epidemiologia y Bioestadística

Objective. To determine the level of caregiving skills and related factors in caregivers of older adults attending a renal care center. Materials and methods. A quantitative, observational, descriptive and analytical study was conducted with 146 caregivers of patients attending a renal care center in the city of Monteria, Cordoba, Colombia. A characterization form was used for sociodemographic variables, as well as the Nkongho Caregiving Ability Inventory - CAI (9), validated for Colombia. Results. The median for the CAI scale was 176 (RIQ 168.3-204.8). The median for each subscale was: knowledge 83.5 (RIQ 78-88), patience 59 (RIQ 55-62), value 35 (RIQ 26-70.75).  In the report of the qualitative part of the same instrument, it was obtained that in the general score, 67.81% presented low scores on the part of the subscales; the value had 67.81% as low; patience 30.27% in the same range and knowledge 30.0% as medium. The 91.47% of the patients were women, 32.19% live in a common-law marriage, 48.63% of the caregivers were children of the person being cared for.  Statistically significant relationship of caregiving ability was found with the variables of kinship (children), socioeconomic stratum 1 and marital status free union.  Conclusions. The level of caregiving ability of patient caregivers is low, as well as in its two dimensions of courage and patience. This indicates the priority of conducting research studies that take into account the needs of caregivers, which will allow a higher level of caregiving sk

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