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The objective. This article presents the results of the research that aimed to understand the meaning given to Coexistence and Peace by lecturers and speakers at the 1st International Congress on Physical Education, Recreation, Sport and Physical Activity, -Montería, Córdoba- 2017. Regarding the materials and methods. This was based on the qualitative research paradigm, with the support of grounded theory. The population. It was made up of 5 lecturers (1 international and 4 national) and 1 national speaker who participated in the congress, and 1 national speaker. For the selection, an intentional sampling was taken into account that would account for the meaning given to peace in the international and national context. The source of information was the conferences and presentations sent. For their analysis, coding and categorization techniques were used. The results. They show the problem of violence in Colombia as a synonym for historical conflicts still unresolved, the absence of the state and an inappropriate use of sport. As an alternative solution, pedagogical
experiences and theoretical concepts emerged from the following categories: peace as a synonym for education in values;
an alternative school for peace; physical education for life; sports, play and alternative motor expressions. Conclusions.
It can be said that there are various practices and experiences from Physical Education, Recreation, Sport and Physical Activity, which contribute to coexistence and peace, from an educational perspective, all of this based on common values and which must be carried out from the personal, social and environmental perspectives.
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