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Open access policy

Open Access Policy:

The engineering and innovation magazine provides immediate open access to its content with the principle that make research and articles available for free to the public. Open access publication also helps correct information bias.

This publication is committed to open access to knowledge, so that any researcher or institution, anywhere in the world, can access the full scope of our publications without subscription fees. T

he contents of the Engineering and Innovation Scientific Journal are under a Creative Commons license (CC-BY) through which the work can be shared, copied, distributed, executed and communicated publicly, under the following conditions:

- Attribution - You must recognize the credits of the work, that is to say authorship and complete citation of its publication, at least the printed version. -

Adapt: ​​transform and work based on the exposed material.

- Share - copy and redistribute the material by any means. T

his information can be expanded at


This work is licensed under a Creative Commons license: CC BY Recognition


Note: The engineering and innovation magazine does not assume the copyright of the published articles, the authors retain the copyright of their own works.

Sistema OJS - Metabiblioteca |