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Cognitive task in natural language for the first 10 levels of the Sokoban game in the metacognitive architecture CARINA

Cognitive task in natural language for the first 10 levels of the Sokoban game in the metacognitive architecture CARINA

Portada de la revista Acta scientiae informaticae, volumen 4, número 4, año 2020 "Tecnologías emergentes en educación"
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Cómo citar
Juan Felipe, & Adán Alberto. (2020). Cognitive task in natural language for the first 10 levels of the Sokoban game in the metacognitive architecture CARINA. Acta ScientiÆ InformaticÆ, 4(4), 6.


The purpose of this article is to describe the natural language made for the creation a Cognitive Model for the first 10 levels of the sokoban game in the metacognitive architecture CARINA. A Cognitive Model is the theoretical foundation and empirical specification of mental representations and processes that intervene in cognitive functions or processes. SOKOBAN is a game, which its main objective is simple, the player must transport one or more boxes to sites called storage spaces. The methodology used for this work is a cognitive modeling, which consists of seven steps.

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