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Lee, L. L., & Negrete Calderón, M. J. (2022). Español. Acta ScientiÆ InformaticÆ, 5(5). (Original work published 2022)

Linda Luz Lee
María José Negrete Calderón

This article is based on the development of a monograph that carried out a review of works and projects related with the use of extended reality. The purpose of it was to explore the possibilities of mediation of extended reality as a learning tool. For this, we started from a conceptualization of the topic focused on the characterization of the subtypes of realities that make it up: mixed reality, augmented reality and virtual reality. In addition, the benefits in the extended reality education and its subtypes are established; besides, the differents technological tools that can be used for experimentation with these realities are specified. Finally, an analysis of the projects applied to education is carried out, where they mostly demostrated efficient results.

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