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Rivera Rivero, L. F., Alvarez Quiroz, G. B., Tirado Peinado, J. A., & Madera Doval, D. (2024). INFLUENCIA DE LAS REDES SOCIALES MEDIADAS POR UNIDAD DIDÁCTICA EN LA PROCRASTINACIÓN ACADÉMICA. Acta ScientiÆ InformaticÆ, 8(8), 47-51.

Luis Fernando Rivera Rivero
Glenis Bibiana Alvarez Quiroz
José Alberto Tirado Peinado
Dalia Madera Doval

This study examined the influence of the use of social networks on academic procrastination in ninth grade students of the educational institution Liceo La Pradera in Monteria. Data were collected through surveys to analyze the relationship between time spent on social networks and the tendency to procrastinate. The results show that a significant proportion of students use social networks as a means of distraction, which negatively affects their academic performance. It highlights the need to raise awareness among students about time management and the balance between the use of social networks and academic responsibilities, providing valuable information for teachers and parents in the digital age.

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