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Knowledge and practices about intestinal parasites in a community of the zenú indigenous people, Colombia, 2019

Conocimientos y prácticas sobre parásitos intestinales en una comunidad del pueblo indígena Zenú, Colombia, 2019

How to Cite
Gómez Díaz, J., & Amador Ahumada, C. (2021). Knowledge and practices about intestinal parasites in a community of the zenú indigenous people, Colombia, 2019. Journal Advances in Health, 4(2), 10-20.

Jaime Gómez Díaz
Francisco Ramírez Mejía
Nina Valencia Jiménez

Background. The knowledge and practices of the Zenú Indigenous People about intestinal parasites are unknown, which prevents planning and comprehensive care by the health authorities in the corresponding population. Objective. Describe knowledge and practices related to intestinal parasites of the Zenú indigenous community located in the Berlin - San Andrés de Sotavento neighborhood. Materials and methods. Qualitative, ethnographic research that allows identifying the cultural perspective of people was conducted. The instrument used was the semi-structured interview; designed to collect information on knowledge and practices related to intestinal parasites, according to five specific categories; perceptions, life cycle, perceived risks, treatment and prevention. The information record was documented, with the prior consent of the participants. The interview was applied to two focus groups; one made up of 12 children, and the other made up of 12 adults. The sampling used was for convenience. Results. The mix of knowledge and self-care practices from biomedicine and traditional knowledge was identified. Conclusions. Adult women and children identify intestinal parasites as causing disease, and identify - from a biomedical perspective - some symptoms and forms of prevention related to this pathology, sometimes mixed with traditional knowledge. The development of self-care actions based on the knowledge of the ancient medicine of the Zenúes was identified. Study subjects ignore the risks of consuming contaminated or untreated water.

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