La integridad académica en el marco de los ambientes virtuales de aprendizaje en educación superior
La integridad académica en el marco de los ambientes virtuales de aprendizaje en educación superior Fundación Universitaria Konrad Lorenz ubicada en Bogotá, Colombia.
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Academic integrity is made up of all those principles and values of behavior necessary for the exchange of ideas and information among the members of a society; Although it can be conceived as a regulation of the traditional model, it acquires relevance with the massification of the information available on the web. Specifically, in the field of higher education, academic integrity can contribute to the certification of the minimum quality conditions for scientific writings, it allows the evaluation of works and their subsequent validation. This article presents a training strategy that seeks to promote personal exercise, the critical appraisal of intellectual property, respect for copyright, the collective construction of knowledge and the stimulation of creativity in students, teachers and researchers, through appropriation of virtual learning environments at the Konrad Lorenz University Foundation located in Bogotá, Colombia.
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