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Diseño y desarrollo de interfaces gráficas para el sistema diagnosticador de estilos de aprendizaje (SDEA)

Diseño y desarrollo de interfaces gráficas para el sistema diagnosticador de estilos de aprendizaje (SDEA)

How to Cite
Culchac de la Vega, A. B., Vega Jiménez, M. Ángel, Correa Llorente, J. L., & Palomino Hawasly, M. Ángel. (2022). Diseño y desarrollo de interfaces gráficas para el sistema diagnosticador de estilos de aprendizaje (SDEA). Acta ScientiÆ InformaticÆ, 6(6), 1-5. (Original work published 2022)

Ali Benhur Culchac de la Vega
Miguel Ángel Vega Jiménez
Jairo Luis Correa Llorente
Miguel Ángel Palomino Hawasly

Throughout history, the educational system has had the purpose of improving the teaching- learning process in each of its axes, so that with the establishment of the existence of different ways of learning, it is important to identify in what way individuals learn and take this learning style into account when imparting

knowledge. From that perspective, the present research proposal has the general objective of developing the interfaces of the SDEA Learning Styles Diagnostic System through a qualitative approach methodology and case study as a method to be implemented in a way that allows obtaining results such as a better navigability experience for the user.

On the other hand, improving the SDEA system also qualifies the teaching-learning process since it is a technological tool that facilitates the identification of ways of learning by students.

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