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Eduteka como herramienta didáctica para estimular los hábitos de estudio, que favorezca la permanencia escolar en estudiantes de secundaria

Eduteka como herramienta didáctica para estimular los hábitos de estudio, que favorezca la permanencia escolar en estudiantes de secundaria

How to Cite
Muñoz Vargas, I. C., Rodiño Tarras, L., Madera Doval, D. P., & Miranda Galarcio, M. (2022). Eduteka como herramienta didáctica para estimular los hábitos de estudio, que favorezca la permanencia escolar en estudiantes de secundaria . Acta ScientiÆ InformaticÆ, 6(6), 1-6.

Isabel Cristina Muñoz Vargas
Leonela Rodiño Tarras
Dalia Patricia Madera Doval
Maideth Miranda Galarcio

School desertion is the abandonment of the student in the educational system that occurs due to different factors, harming their academic process in the educational establishment, this leads to weakening their study habits with very low returns that threaten their permanence in the educational institution. The main objective was to implement a didactic strategy through the Eduteka tool to mitigate school desertion and stimulate study habits. The research is qualitative with a research-action approach, it was executed in four phases. As a result, the factors that affect school dropout in the institution were obtained, it was also determined that students have low knowledge about school dropout and study habits, due to few techniques or methods of study habits in their academic training. In conclusion, the development of this project was accepted in the institution, being very pleasing to the students and the teacher of the course in the execution of the intervention, the students were motivated by the topics discussed and the importance of these in their training. academic. In addition, it is a project that allows improving the teaching-learning process between the teacher and the student, strengthening the shortcomings within the classroom for better academic performance, in such a way that it can be replicated by the other degrees of the institution, contributing to the consolidation of study habits through a virtual learning environment in order to prevent school dropout in the educational institution

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