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Ambiente virtual de aprendizaje para desarrollar el pensamiento matemático en la ejecución de las operaciones aritméticas básicas.

How to Cite
Muñoz Vargas, I. C., Paternina Acosta, Y. Y., & Polo Castro, A. P. (2022). Español. Acta ScientiÆ InformaticÆ, 6(6), 1-6.

Isabel Cristina Muñoz Vargas
Yerardin Yiseth Paternina Acosta
Angie Paola Polo Castro

A virtual learning environment (VLE) is an online space that allows interaction between teachers and students and enables the exchange of knowledge, resources and materials that facilitate a better understanding of some subject, on the other hand, mathematical thinking is the ability to think and develop activities in numerical terms, thus generating the capacity for logical reasoning. The objective was to design an AVA for the teaching-learning of basic arithmetic operations and also to evaluate its process. The methodology was qualitative with an action-research approach, which was carried out in 4 phases. As main results, an advance was obtained in the development of mathematical thinking and an improvement in the academic performance of the students. In conclusion, it can be stated that the implementation of a virtual learning environment has a positive impact on the way of learning mathematics, influencing an autonomous education, where the student is responsible for acquiring their own knowledge.

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