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La tecnología y seguimiento escolar en pro del éxito de estudiantes víctima de desplazamiento forzado.

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Karen Lucía Barrera Sánchez

This article briefly presents a reflective analysis around the investigative process that is being developed on the issue of incidence regarding the condition of victim of forced displacement in the academic performance of students in the municipality of Galapa. Highlighting the academic follow-up as an element that through the systematization and automation of the processes by the hand of ICT tools, could allow the reduction of desertion and/or school repetition of this population, focusing on the analysis of the factors that intervene. in this process, based on the vulnerability of the population in question and the importance of generating proposals from technology that contribute to educational quality.

The identification process of students belonging to an official Educational Institution of the municipality of Galapa is projected in this investigation, categorizing the academic performance during the last school year of these students and finally the relationship between academic performance and the condition of victim of forced displacement, from where the reflection proposes the role of technology in the pedagogical follow-up processes that support the work of the teacher.

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