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Herramientas tic en estudiantes con TDAH: revisión de caso

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Pacheco Lora, M. C., Puche Medina., J. D., & Causil Padilla, A. D. (2022). ESPAÑOL. Acta ScientiÆ InformaticÆ, 6(6), 1-4.

Martha Cecilia Pacheco Lora
Jesús David Puche Medina.
Andrés David Causil Padilla

This research aimed to study the strategies with the use of technologies applied to 8th grade A students who have ADHD, based on the fact that attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), which raises concerns in institutions, both for teachers as well as students, which is evidenced in the traditional method shared by teachers and in the low evaluations of students diagnosed with this condition. The project presents a qualitative methodology with a case study approach in the Rancho Grande Educational Institution, for which the Conners Test was applied, which identifies this ADHD disorder, in addition, a methodological guide was developed positively valued for its benefit, at the moment to work with students who suffer from this condition. In conclusion, there is evidence of an improvement in the teaching-learning process in students with ADHD characteristics, provided by the recommendations applied by teachers with the management of the methodological guide in class mediated by technological use tools

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