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Author Guidelines

These guidelines are intended to standardize the presentation of articles to be submitted to the evaluation process of the editorial committee. This guarantees the adoption of a style, a consistent and uniform presentation, favoring the agility in the evaluation process of the articles.

Article Modality

The editorial policies of the Journal contemplate the publication of topics in the fields of education, human sciences and pedagogy in the following types of articles:

Research article. Manuscript that exposes, in a timely manner, the results of completed research projects. The formal structure used contains four characteristic sections: introduction, theoretical references, methodology, results and conclusions. Maximum 25 pages including references.

Review article. Manuscript which is consequence of a finished investigation where the results of (un)disclosed researches are studied, analyzed and reviewed, in order to give an account of the tendencies and advances in the pedagogical and educational fields. It is identified by presenting a methodical bibliographic review of at least 30 references.

Short article. Short document that shows preliminary or partial results of an educational research, which usually aims to expedite dissemination. Maximum 10 pages including references.

Language. Articles will be received in Spanish, English, Portuguese and French. Articles in a language other than Spanish must include a summary in Spanish.


Structure of the Articles

All articles must be structured as follows: title, abstract, key words, introduction, theoretical references, methodology, results and discussion, and conclusions.

The requirements for writing the articles correspond to the following structure.

Title: must be capitalized, centered, without exceeding 16 words and enunciate the concrete content of the work. The title should be expressed briefly and concisely

Summary. It consists of a single paragraph, minimum 180 words with a maximum length of 300 words, which summarizes the description of the research problem, the objectives, methodology, most relevant results and the main conclusions. It must be written impersonally.

Keywords: Descriptores (Spanish) and Keywords (English): Maximum 6, separated by comma. They should go consecutively at the end of the abstract. Simple-standardized words will be used.

Abstract: Summary in English: Faithful (technical) translation of the abstract into English. In case the article is not written in the original language of the Journal, this item must be in Spanish

Introduction: the introduction must contain, in a summarized way, the following aspects: research objectives; key concepts; research problem, theoretical and methodological approach, expected results and summary of the structure of the article.

Theoretical references: It must contain those conceptual elements, theoretical framework and antecedents that have been taken into account in the development of the research.

Methodology: The methodology must contain the following aspects: Type of research (qualitative, quantitative, mixed, among others), research design. Units of analysis, variables and/or categories. The analytical and statistical procedures should be clearly described, and indicate the data analysis programs and versions used.

Results: These should be limited to the data obtained and presented in a logical, objective, strict and practical way. If the results are presented in the form of tables and figures, they should be cited in the order in which they appear for the first time in the text, they should also be strictly necessary and sufficient data to allow the reader to understand the results.

Discussion: It is the rigorous analysis of the results of the research, integrating or contrasting references of literature related to the research findings to provide the reader with a developed basis with which to admit or object to the hypotheses. It also explains the arguments of these references along with theories and principles directly related

It is necessary here an analysis of the scope of the investigations, their limitations and their projections in future investigations, indicating the practical or theoretical implications of the investigation.

Conclusions: It constitutes the end of the article; it must present the author's contribution in a clear, concise and logical manner by emphasizing the new facts revealed and their contribution to the field of social scientific knowledge

Matrix. The matrices will be presented in a separate file attached, they must be labeled on the top of each one, numbered with their title, which must be concise and with an explanatory note so that they can be understood without needing to read the text. Its numbering will coincide with the place that corresponds to them in the full text. The explanatory note should not be a duplication of the work methodology. The matrices must be done in Excel for Windows. The original source must be specified within its data. In the case of self-made matrices, you must present them in an editable format

Figures. They are images, photos, graphics, maps, diagrams, drawings. The note of the figure goes on the bottom. The figures must be sent in the original graphic format, do not paste them as an image in Word or Excel; if they are scanned, send them in JPG or TIFF in high resolution. In the case of graphs or self-made figures, you must submit them in editable format

References and bibliography

The article must have clearly detailed the content that is not specific to the author or authors, through the correct citation of the same.

Bibliographic references will be cited according to annually updated standards by the American Psychological Association (APA). Only the references included in the text should be listed; Likewise, the names of all the authors of the cited bibliographic reference must be included, and chronologically for each author or each combination of authors. In all cases in which the author is an Institution, cite it as anonymous. The names of serial publications must be written in full, not abbreviated.


Information about authors

On the first page the following information must be included: title of the article (in Spanish), author(s) data with full name(s) and surname(s), a short review with a maximum length of 800 characters, email, landline, cell phone and institutional affiliation. The author must provide an ORCID identifier.


Policy on plagiarism

Plagiarism is unacceptable and could be ground for rejection for any type of document submitted for publication. It is presented in different forms, from the literal copy to the paraphrasing of another person's work, including: data, ideas, concepts, words and phrases. The literal copy is only acceptable if the source is indicated and includes the text copied in quotation marks.

Assensus Magazine includes in the editorial process, the revision of the document through an electronic tool that measures the degree of similarity, originality and authenticity by comparing with published and indexed documents in electronic databases and any internet resource. The authors who are detected this action on a recurring basis, will be evaluated by the editorial committee with the possibility that their publication will be rejected.

The report resulted from the software used to review the content will be taken into account by the editorial committee and depending on the extent of the plagiarism, adjustments will be requested or the rejection of the document will be defined.

Charges for management of articles

The Assensus journal does not have charges or fees for the processing of the articles (Article Processing Charge [APC]) sent by the authors. Nor is charged for the submission or review of articles.

Conflicts of interest

In case of conflicts of interest, the author(s) must declare it at the time of submitting the manuscript, in the Letter of Originality that the authors must send to the Editor.

If there is any undeclared conflict of interest during the evaluation process, the author(s) will be contacted for clarification. If the explanation is not satisfactory, the manuscript will be removed from the evaluation, editing and editorial planning process.

Submission Preparation Checklist

All submissions must meet the following requirements.

  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines/a.
  • The author has an ORCID identifier. For more information on the ORCID project consult here.
  • Where available, DOI or URLs for the references have been provided.

Copyright Notice

The Assensus journal has a Creative Commons license. The citation, use and partial or total reproduction of the contents is authorized by citing sources. For more information, see

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.



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