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Publication ethics

Declaration of ethics and good editorial practices

The Assensus Magazine is governed by the international standards published by the Ethics Committee in Publication (COPE), in order to guarantee transparency both in the publication of contributions and in the procedures for resolving associated conflicts. Likewise, it is proposed to respect the confidentiality of the information linked to the editorial process.

The editorial team of this scientific journal will ensure that all parties (editors, peer reviewers and authors) fully follow the ethical standards throughout the editorial process.

In relation to the authors, we seek to avoid improper conduct in relation to research fraud, plagiarism, duplicate publications, conflicts of interest.

With regard to peer evaluators, they must declare conflicts of interest or disabilities and adhere to the evaluation policies of the journal, as well as respond to requests and send evaluations on time, taking into account that this evaluation process must be rigorous .

Throughout the editorial process it is sought to guarantee the transparency of the contributions and the evaluation and publication processes, as well as the objective interlocution and confidentiality of the parties involved in the editorial process.

Assensus Magazine will try as much as possible to respond quickly and with respect to questions and notifications.

Declaration based on COPE Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors (

Sistema OJS - Metabiblioteca |