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Guidelines for authors

Información General

Articles submitted for publication in the Temas Agrarios magazine must be sent through the OJS (Open Journal System) platform or, failing that, to the email Revistatemasagrarios, accompanied by a letter of reference signed by all the authors declaring that the manuscript is original, that everyone knows and agrees with its content and that it has not been previously published, nor is it being simultaneously submitted to publication in another magazine. In addition, they must complete and send the self-check format and the resume format (formats attached below for download).

Article Submission Format

Self-Check Format for Authors

Curriculum Vitae Format for Authors

The Editorial Committee reserves the right to accept or reject scientific collaborations, and also to make any editorial modification that it deems appropriate to improve the presentation. The ideas and statements expressed by the authors are their responsibility and do not necessarily express the opinions and policies of the University of Córdoba.

Types of Articles that are published

1. Article of scientific and technological research:

Document that presents in detail original results of research projects, between 20 and 40 references, of which 60% must come from articles published in the last 5 years; and with a maximum of 5,500 words, including tables and figures, which together do not exceed six. The structure is: Summary, Abstract, Materials and Methods, Results and Discussion, Conclusions, References.

2. Review article:

Document that describes a systematized analysis and integration of research with a minimum of 50 references, of which 60% must come from articles published in the last 5 years; and with a maximum of 8,500 words, including tables and figures, which when added together do not exceed six. This article is presented at the request of the Editorial Committee. The article must present a critical review of the literature published on the topic of study, plus the contributions of the authors. The structure is: Summary, Abstract, Introduction, Development of the topic, Conclusions, References.

3. Reflection article:

Document that presents research results from an analytical, interpretive and critical perspective of the author, on a specific topic and using scientific bibliographic references from the last 5 years, between 20 and 30 references. This should be a maximum of 4000 words, including six tables or figures. The structure is similar to that of the review article.

4. Short article:

Brief document of preliminary or partial original results that require prompt dissemination, with a minimum of 15 references; of which 60% will correspond to articles published in the last 5 years. This should be a maximum of 4,000 words, with a maximum of six tables or figures. The structure is similar to that of the scientific article.

5. Letters to the editor:

Critical analytical or interpretive positions on the articles published in the journal.

Guidelines for preparing the Manuscript

Articles must arrive in Word format, in a single column, Arial 12 point font. Temas Agrarios Magazine accepts articles in Spanish, Portuguese and English.


Spanish and English are written. It must be centered, in lower case, the scientific names in italic letters and must respond to the stated objective, it must contain a maximum of 15 words, excluding scientific names. In the immediately following line the title is written in English.


Authors must provide a title in Spanish of no more than six words, to be placed in the header of the pages.


They should go below the title and include the full names of the author(s). Authors are named according to the importance of their contribution to the research or in the preparation of the article. The footnote will indicate Orcid, institution to which it belongs, city, country. (MANDATORY). The author responsible for the correspondence must be marked with an asterisk, have an email address and telephone number.


It should be written in a single paragraph without exceeding 250 words for research and review articles, and a maximum of 100 words for research notes. The summary should answer the questions: What is the problem that the research will solve? What is the OBJETIVE? How does the study was realized?; What are the most relevant results and what conclusion did you reach? The structure of the summary will consist of a brief introduction, the objective and the methodology that covers 50% of the text; The rest must be made up of the results and the conclusion. The summary does not include bibliographic citations, figures, or tables. Articles in Spanish or Portuguese must include the abstract in English and those written in English, a summary in Spanish.


Corresponde a una traducción fiel del resumen al idioma inglés.


A list of a maximum of six keywords must be included, and their respective translation into English (key words), and placed after the summary and abstract. The words must not be included in the title and must be in alphabetical order.


The body of the article must be divided into: Introduction, Materials and methods, Results and discussion, Conclusions, Acknowledgments (optional) and References. The main titles of the body of the work should be centered and written in bold.


It must formulate the state of the art of the topic to be investigated in chronological order, supported by updated reviews, highlight the importance and necessity of the research, as well as indicate the objectives pursued, the methodology to be developed and the results of research achieved by other researchers. , expressing conclusions from those results.


It will be written logically, in the past tense and with sufficient details to allow the reader to replicate the research. If the methodology has been published, it is briefly explained giving the citation of the original publication. If the methodology has undergone modifications, it must contain those changes. It must include the experimental site, materials and equipment used, methods with their respective references; If the method is unpublished, provide all the details of it. Clearly describe the experimental design and data analysis. If the use of software for data analysis is mentioned, the version and license or free use must be specified.


The results must be written in the past, in an impersonal manner and concurrent with the formulation of the objectives, methods and must be limited to the data obtained and presented in a logical sequence. The discussion must establish a relationship between the results found in the present work and those reported by other authors, making the respective bibliographic citations of these.

Tables and figures must be cited in the text. The information presented in the graphs should not be a repetition of that presented in the tables or in the text. When tables or figures are cited within the text, do not place a period after their numbering. Include the level of statistical significance in lowercase letters (a,b,c,d,...), use one asterisk (*) for P<0.05 and two asterisks (**) for P<0.01.

Enumeration and measurements. It is governed by the decimal metric system; use numbers whenever it is followed by a standard unit of measurement, eg: 1 g, 9 cm; Otherwise, use words from zero to nine and numbers for larger quantities. The denominators of units must be written with negative indices, for example: kg ha-1, g m-2. The slash (/) should be used as a substitute for the word “per”, use the slash to connect SI units with non-SI units (for example: plants/ha or 10 bunch/plant).

Names and terms. Use italics for scientific names of organisms and include the names of classifiers only referring to the organism used in the research. The name of the cultivar or variety must be enclosed in quotation marks when it is written after the scientific name. Plant and animal species should be referred to by their common name. The scientific name and classifier must be written completely when the plant species is stated for the first time in the text or summary for the plant species used in the research. Pesticides must be referred to by their approved active ingredient. The names of commercial products must carry the registered trademark annotation, when it is strictly necessary for the commercial names to appear.


The statistical design should be clearly described in Materials and Methods. The data must be analyzed by appropriate statistical methods. When reporting quantitative data, a measure of variability (standard deviation or error) must be reported.


The maximum number of tables and figures accepted in an article is equal to the sum of six. The specificity of these, to guarantee the edition, is the following:


Se acepta un máximo de tres tablas por manuscrito, las cuales deben tener como máximo 6 columnas y 15 filas. Deben estar citadas en orden numérico en el texto. El título debe ser conciso y autoexplicativo del contenido de la tabla y debe ir en la parte superior (Tabla 1. Título en letra normal-sin negrillas). El tamaño del título de las tablas debe ser de 11 puntos, al igual que el de los títulos de las columnas, y el tamaño del contenido de las celdas debe ser de 10 puntos. Se pueden utilizar notas al pie de la tabla, con un tamaño de 9 puntos. Se pueden dejar las líneas horizontales del cuerpo de la tabla y se deben eliminar las líneas horizontales internas en la tabla. No debe haber líneas verticales internas a los datos dentro de la tabla. El formato de la tabla debe ser vertical.


A maximum of three figures per manuscript are accepted. The figures must be numbered within the text and the title must be at the bottom with a size of 11 points (Figure 1. Title in normal font-without bold). These must be in the following formats: *jpg, *.tif, *.bmp, *.gif, *.eps. Images must have sufficient resolution (minimum 150 dpi). Figures must be projected to fit one column, two columns, or a full page. The lines must have a minimum thickness of 0.5 points and the letters must be in proportion to the figure with a sufficient size to be reduced without losing clarity.


They must be clear, concise and originate from the results obtained in the work. It is important not to repeat the results in this section; the conclusion must provide an answer to the objective of the research.


They are the responsibility of the author, these must be the recognition of contributions that had a significant impact on the execution of the work and that have been made by people, official entities or non-governmental organizations.

Conflict of interests

The authors must declare that there was no conflict of interest that jeopardizes the validity of the results presented in the results of the manuscript, as well as in the evaluation process and at the time of creation between authors.


Ways to Cite in Text

<1.> When the authors' names are part of the sentence. Gutiérrez (2008), Gutiérrez and Lozano (2008) or Gutiérrez et al. (2008). <2.> When the name of the author(s) goes at the end of the sentence or paragraph. (Gutiérrez, 2008); (Gutiérrez and Lozano, 2008) or (Gutiérrez et al., 2008). <3.> When citing two articles by the same author, order from oldest to most recent. (Gutiérrez, 2008; 2009). <4.> When two articles by the same author are cited in the same year, place lowercase letters after the year. (Gutiérrez, 2008a; 2008b). <5.> When multiple articles by different authors are cited, they are ordered chronologically. (Bustos, 2007; Gutiérrez 2008; Lozano 2009). Only original sources should be cited.


References should be arranged alphabetically and only reference should be made to the bibliography mentioned within the article. Cite references in the text with the last name of the author(s) and the year. (Gutiérrez, 2008); (Gutiérrez and Lozano, 2008). When there are more than two authors, use “et al.”, Example: (Gutiérrez et al., 2008), but all authors must be registered in the references. For the structure of bibliographic references, the following examples of references can be interpreted (Pay attention to spaces, bold and punctuation marks).

Electronic journal articles with DOI (Digital Object Identification System):

Author(s) (first last name, first name initial). Year. Article title. Full name of the journal volume (number): pages and the hyperlink or web link in full. : Grandett, L., Reza, S., Jaraba, J. and Pardo, Y. 2015. Effect of microbial activity on nitrification in soils cultivated with Brachiaria humidicola (Rendle) Schweicrdt in Cereté, Córdoba. Agrarian Topics 20(2): 9-18.

Printed magazine article:

Author(s) (first last name, first name initial). Year. Article title. Full name of the magazine volume (number): pages. Gómez, R., Contreras, P. and Sánchez, J. 1998. Effect of different doses of nitrogen on the yield of corn (Zea mays). Agrarian Topics 5(2):12-18.


Author(s). Year of publication. Qualification. Publisher or entity responsible for the publication, city of publication and pages. Rivera, J. and Pérez, M. 2003. The cultivation of corn. Fenalce, Bogotá, p314-356. ISBN: 978-958-5104-09-10

Book with edited chapters:

Author of the chapter. Year. Author of the chapter. Year. Chapter title, In: name of editor (Ed). Title of the book. Publisher, city of edition and pages. Fernández, R. and Escobar, L. 1995. Propagation methods. In: Jiménez, C. and Carmona, J. (Ed). Mango Cultivation. World Editions, Bogotá, p126-157. ISBN: 978-958-5104-09-10


Author(s). Year. Work title. Bachelor's degree, University that awarded it, host city of the university. Pastrana, I. 2007. Micropropagation of arrow cane (Gynerium sagitatum Aubl.). Agricultural Engineer Thesis, University of Córdoba, Montería.

Presentation at a Congress:

Author(s). Year. Title of the presentation. Congress report. Entity that edited the memoirs, city, date, pages. Miranda, D. 2006. Current state and trends of horticulture in the world and its relationship with Colombian horticulture. Memoirs I. Colombian Horticulture Congress. Colombian Society of Horticultural Sciences, Bogotá, June 2003, p19-36.

Online Document Citations CD-Rom:

Author/editor. Year. Qualification. [Half]. Available: Supplier, address; Internet site, URL. Martínez, M. 2007. Virtual library of plants in danger of extinction [CD ROM]. Internet, http:///


Author/editor. Year. Qualification. URL Cabrera, B. 1998. Genetic changes in plants grown in vitro.http://www.biotec/veg/

Copyright notice:

All articles and documents published in the journal are governed by the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License - CC BY-NC, which can be consulted at 4.0/. This means that the magazine allows the generation of derivative works as long as there is no commercial use and the original work is not used for commercial purposes. The authors who publish in the Temas Agrarios magazine adhere to the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License code.

Privacy statement.

The names and email addresses entered in this magazine will be used exclusively for the purposes established therein and will not be provided to third parties or for use for other purposes, in accordance with Law 1581 of 2012 [http://www]. Furthermore, manuscripts not approved and/or withdrawn by the authors will not be used or disclosed in any case.

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