Effect of mycorrhizal and lombriabono on growth and development of Sacha inchi Plukenetia volubilis L
Efecto de la micorrización y el lombriabono sobre el crecimiento y desarrollo del Sacha inchi Plukenetia volubilis L.
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The sacha inchi Plukenetia volubilis is an Euphorbiaceae of socioeconomic importance due to the high nutritional value of its seeds. Therefore, it is important to establish agronomic strategies that increase economic yields. This study evaluated the effects of mycorrhizal and vernicompost on the growth and development of the plant. The investigation was carried out in the village of Berástegui, municipality of Ciénaga de Oro, Córdoba, under a randomized block design with three replicates and treatments T1: Control, without application, T2: 100 gr/plant of commercial mycorrhiza (micorrizafer) and T3: 2 kg / plant whit vernicompost. The treatments were applied at 45 days after sowing (DDS). The evaluations were carried out according to the phenological cycle (vegetative and reproductive) of the culture, quantifying the plant height and stem diameter at 52 -97 -136 DDS, number of female flowers, number of fecund flowers and number of male flowers 112 -128 - 144 - 168 DDS and number of Capsules 128-144-167-176 DDS. The variables evaluated in plants inoculated with mycorrhizal were significantly higher (P<0.05) than when fertilized with vernicompost exceeding in height (0.23 m), stem diameter in (0.08 cm), number of female flowers ( 8 flowers), number of fertilized flowers (38 flowers) and number of male flowers (18 flowers). It is concluded that the Sacha inchi plant is dependent on mycorrhization and responds significantly to fertilization plans when mycorrhizae are included.
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