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Pesticides district irrigation canals of La Doctrina (Córdoba-Colombia)

Plaguicidas en canales de riego del distrito de La Doctrina (Córdoba-Colombia)

How to Cite
Arteaga palomo, G. D. J., Marrugo Negrete, J. L., & Sanchez Castellón, J. G. (2017). Pesticides district irrigation canals of La Doctrina (Córdoba-Colombia). Sour Topics, 23(1), 29-36.

Gregorio De Jesús Arteaga palomo
Jose Luís Marrugo Negrete
Juan Gabriel Sanchez Castellón

La Doctrina district makes a great contribution to Colombian economy with production of several crops such as rice (1230 ha), corn (50 ha), African palm (300 ha), papaya (10 ha), vegetables (8 ha), and pastures (400 ha). To control pests in the crops farmers use organochlorine and organophosphate pesticides in irrigation channels, contaminating drinking water. This work sought to determine the concentrations of organochlorine (POCls) and organophosphate (OP) pesticide and cypermethrine (CP) in irrigation channels of La Doctrina during dry and rainy seasons. Analyses were performed by gas chromatography and gas-mass. CP was detected by monitoring of technique SIM of mass spectrometry, and POCls and POFs were analysed by electron capture detector (ECD) and nitrogen-phosphorus (NPD) respectively. The results showed that all concentrations of cypermetrin (in the dry and rainy seasons) overcome the accepted concentrations in Colombian regulations for drinking water. Also, according to Argentinan regulations, all exceeded this limit. The POCl endrins exceeded the limit allowed for Colombian regulations, but POFs were not found. The percentage of cypermethrin was the highest, with 73%. The high concentrations of the POCls and CP in irrigation water of La Doctrina district motivated us to determine the concentrations of these pesticides in typical foods from the region such as rice.

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