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Effect of dehanding and removal of fingers on the quality and production of banana tree

Efecto del desmane y remoción de dedos sobre la calidad y producción del banano

How to Cite
Barrera Violeth, J. L., Salazar, C., & Arrieta, K. (2010). Effect of dehanding and removal of fingers on the quality and production of banana tree. Sour Topics, 15(2), 58-65.

José Luis Barrera Violeth
Carlos Salazar
Karen Arrieta

The work was conducted in the municipality of Turbo, Antioquia, in order to evaluate the effect of the removal of hands and fingers on the side of cluster quality components and banana production. Four treatments were evaluated with 70 replicates per treatment, randomly distributed. The treatments were T1 (removal of the fake hand with male and female flowers occurring simultaneously on the same floral node + the 3 previous hands up and down that has only female flowers, without removal of laterals in all female hands), T2 (Elimination of false female hand + the 3 previous female hands, with removal of one lateral on the left side and one on the right side in the first three superior hands), T3 (Elimination of false hand + 21\2 previous female hands, with removal of s one lateral on the left side and two on the right side over all feminine hands of the bunch), T4 (Elimination of false hand + 11\2 previous female hand, with removal of one lateral on the left side and two on the right side, in every hands). It was found that the treatments did not significantly affect bunch weight. Length and variable degree of fruit on second basal hand and final apical hand showed significant beneficial effect on these parameters.

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