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Behavior of Nu Opal cotton variety in different spatial arrangements

Comportamiento de la variedad Nu OPAL (Gossypium hirsutum L.) bajo diferentes arreglos espaciales

How to Cite
Sierra, C. M., Galvis, L., Trebilcok, A., & Cadena, J. (2010). Behavior of Nu Opal cotton variety in different spatial arrangements. Sour Topics, 15(2), 66-74.

Carlos Mario Sierra
Luis Galvis
Anibal Trebilcok
Jorge Cadena

This research was carried out to determine the spatial arrangement with higher yield potential field of Nu Opal cotton variety under the agroecological conditions of the middle Sinu Valley. Were evaluated six different population densities from the variation of the distances among rows (from 1,0; 0,9; 0,8; 0,7; 0,6 to 0,5 m) and setting two plants per meter. These were compared with the density of population used by farmers in the producing area (62.500 plants ha-1). Treatments were arranged in a design of a randomized complete block (RCBD) with four replications. Planting was carried out in the experimental station Turipaná CORPOICA CI in the second half of 2006. The results showed that the spatial arrangements used did not affect neither the expression of plant height and flowering, nor the components of fiber quality. In contrast, significant differences (P<0,05) for the number of buttons and field performance were encountered. The highest yield of cotton-seed and fiber was shown for the control treatment to 5370,7 and 2028,3 kg ha-1 respectively. Notably, the treatment of 40,000 plants ha-1 had similar yields to the control with 5137,4 kg ha-1 of cotton-seed and 1986,7 kg ha-1 of fiber, having numerical but not statistical difference (P>< 0,05) for the number of buttons and field performance were encountered. The highest yield of cotton-seed and fiber was shown for the control treatment to 5370,7 and 2028,3 kg ha-1 respectively. Notably, the treatment of 40,000 plants ha-1 had similar yields to the control with 5137,4 kg ha-1 of cotton-seed and 1986,7 kg ha-1 of fiber, having numerical but not statistical difference (P>0,05) between them.

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