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Estimation of a function of production costs in the cotton crop in the valley of Sinu

Estimación de una función de costos de producción en el cultivo del algodón en el Valle del Sinú

How to Cite
Martinez, A. M. (2010). Estimation of a function of production costs in the cotton crop in the valley of Sinu. Sour Topics, 15(2), 75-82.

Antonio Maria Martinez

This paper aims at analyzing the rationality of cotton producer regarding the use of inputs that represent the costs structure in order to make recommendations to improve crop competitiveness. We present evidence for the application of neoclassical theory in the case of cotton cultivation in the Valle del Sinú, department of Cordoba in Colombia. The results are supported by field work data supplied by the CORPOICA Cotton Plan through 108 field surveys carried out in 2005. The data were adjusted according to Colombian Bank of the Republic Producer Price Index, to be updated to 2009 prices. The assumptions used are the minimization of costs and producer rationality. Theoretical and mathematical models was formulated, the estimation of parameters was made, then the analysis of information and discussion of results, leading to determining a minimum cost. Finally, this work allows conclude the validity of the neoclassical theory of production function applied to the specific case of cotton cultivation and irrational allocation of resources at the time of use factors of production.

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