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Entomofauna diversity associated to sorrounding vegetation on rice, corn and cotton crops

Diversidad de la entomofauna asociada a vegetación aledaña a cultivos de arroz, maíz y algodón

How to Cite
Fernandez Herrera, C. R., Pérez García, K. D., & Bedoya Cano, A. (2018). Entomofauna diversity associated to sorrounding vegetation on rice, corn and cotton crops. Sour Topics, 23(2), 107-120.

Claudio Rodolfo Fernandez Herrera
Karol Darío Pérez García
Adolfo Bedoya Cano

The surrounding weeds to agro-ecosystems provide answers to the behavior of many phytophagous species, besides predators and parasitoids. In order to find out that the diversity of organisms entomophagous was determined and surrounding vegetation to rice, corn and cotton were established. Sampling stations were randomly distributed and plant species were determined. The weed identification was performed at species level; the entomofauna was collected with jama, pitfall and manually. The arthropod diversity analysis was performed using the method proposed by Jost; the degree of replacement method was calculated through three values q = 0,1 and 2 and range-abundance curves were constructed. Plant species were grouped into 16 families and 21 genera; being uellia tuberosa and Euphorbia hirta host of natural enemies, while Heliotropium indicum, Caperonia palustris y Amaranthus dubius were hosts of high quantities of phytophagous. The completeness analysis from sample coverage of each crop edge and the trophic roles: phytophagous, parasitoid and predator had a higher than 99% completeness. Comparison of means showed significant differences for associated fauna between the edges of rice-corn crops Z = 2.6929 p = 0,0212) and rice-cotton (Z = 3.7634 p = 0,0005) however, the corn-cotton edges showed no significant difference (Z = 1.0705 p = 0.8532). It can be concluded that the agroecosystem edge of maize, rice and cotton present structural attributes that significantly influence the dynamics and diversity of the associated entomofauna

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