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Characterization of Silvopastoral Systems in the livestock basin of Molinopampa, Northwestern Zone of Peru

Caracterización de Sistemas Silvopastoriles en la cuenca ganadera de Molinopampa, Zona Noroccidental del Perú

How to Cite
Vásquez, H. V., Valqui, L., Castillo, M. S., Alegre, J., Gómez, C. A., Bobadilla, L. G., & Maicelo, J. L. (2020). Characterization of Silvopastoral Systems in the livestock basin of Molinopampa, Northwestern Zone of Peru. Sour Topics, 25(1), 23-34.

Héctor V. Vásquez
Leandro Valqui
Miguel S. Castillo
Julio Alegre
Carlos A. Gómez
Leidy G. Bobadilla
Jorge L. Maicelo

Producers in the Amazon region have been  implementing Silvopastoral Systems (SPS), to counteract the effects on the soil and deterioration of the  ecosystem due to the management of traditional livestock; However, the productive characteristics associated with these systems are unknown, with the objective of characterizing the SPS in the Molinopampa cattle basin. Surveys were applied to producers from 130 Agricultural Units, which were analyzed with a multivariate technique (conglomerates, Spearman's correlation and Principal Component Analysis). The cluster analysis allowed the classification of the producers into five groups, differentiated by the area of SSP that they manage, number of animals and milk production per cattle herd. The group that presented the best indicators was the fourth, who are dedicated to livestock in 57%, have an area greater than 6 ha, have more than 51 head of cattle and have a milk production of 70 liters / herd /day. The principal component analysis showed positive correlations between the variables of knowledge and training, total land area and system design, tree species and main activity, tree species and system design, tree preference and knowledge. Multivariate analysis techniques allowed the classification of SPS, indicating that the more knowledge and training the producers receive, the development of sustainable livestock with SPS increases.

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