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Effect of different substrates on adaptation of arrow cane (Gynerium sagitatum Aubl.) micropropagated plants

Efecto de diferentes sustratos en la aclimatación y costos de plantas micropropagadas de caña flecha (Gynerium sagitatum Aubl)

How to Cite
Suarez, I. E., Yépez, J. E., & López, C. M. (2020). Effect of different substrates on adaptation of arrow cane (Gynerium sagitatum Aubl.) micropropagated plants. Sour Topics, 25(1), 77-84.


Isidro E. Suarez,

Universidad de Córdoba

Facultad de Ciencias Agricolas

Docente Tiempo Completo

To reduce costs associated to ex vitro adaptation of arrow cane (Gynerium sagitatum Aubl.) plants Cv “Criolla”, the effect of three substrate mixes (Peat, peat + river sand and peat + rice husk) on survival, plant height and substrate associated plant cost were evaluated. Plants were micropropagated in semisolid MS medium supplied with 0,5 mg L-1 BAP. After medium removal, plants were transferred on 72-plug plastic trays filled with the respective substrate treatment. Trays were covered with translucent plastic covers during three days. Thereafter, plants were maintained in a 50% light shade house, fog irrigated twice a day for 1 minute each during 8 weeks. Treatments were distributed with a block randomized design. Data were analyzed with ANOVA and means were separated with Tukey´s mean separation test. Results allowed to evidence that peat + sand resulted in significant increase in survival, plant height and >35 decrease in substrate associated plant cost during adaptation to ex vitro conditions.

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