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Efectivity of amendments on growth and yield of common beans in an acidic andisol soil

Efectividad de enmiendas sobre el crecimiento y rendimiento de fréjol común en suelo andisol ácido

How to Cite
Cuenca-Tinoco, A. C., Castro-Delgado, N. I., Cargua-Chávez, J. E., Cedeño-García, G. A., & Cedeño-Zambrano, J. L. (2020). Efectivity of amendments on growth and yield of common beans in an acidic andisol soil. Sour Topics, 25(1), 54-65.

Anabel Carmen Cuenca-Tinoco
Noemi Isabel Castro-Delgado
Jessica Elizabeth Cargua-Chávez
Galo Alexander Cedeño-García
José Luis Cedeño-Zambrano

Anabel Carmen Cuenca-Tinoco,

Instituto Superior Tecnológico Calazacón

Noemi Isabel Castro-Delgado,

Instituto Superior Tecnológico Calazacón

Jessica Elizabeth Cargua-Chávez,

Instituto Superior Tecnológico Calazacón

Galo Alexander Cedeño-García,

Escuela Superior Politécnica Agropecuaria de Manabí
Manuel Félix López

José Luis Cedeño-Zambrano,

Universidad UTE, Santo Domingo de los Tsáchilas

The main objective of the research was to evaluate the effect of various amendments on the growth and yield of common beans in an acidic andisol soil in the Santo Domingo de los Tsáchilas area, Ecuador. The treatments evaluated were T 1 (Humus + rock flour), T 2 (Humus + dolomite), T 3 (Compost +rock flour), T 4 (Compost + dolomite), T 5 (Chicken manure + rock flour), T 6 (Chicken manure + dolomite), T 7 (Conventional Fertilization) and T 8 (Control). A complete randomized block design with three replicates was used. The main variables recorded were plant dry weight (g), grain yield (kg ha-1) and soil pH. The amendment treatments significantly influenced (p< 0,05) the plant dry weight, grain yield and soil pH. The most effective treatments were the combinations of dolomite + chicken manure, compost and humus, which increased growth in terms of dry weight by 22, 27 and 31%, respectively, compared to the control treatment. The highest increase in grain yield was achieved with dolomite + chicken manure, compost and humus, with 21, 28 and 30%, respectively, compared to the control treatment. The soil pH was increased to 5,74; 5,76 and 5,85 with dolomite + chicken manure, compost and humus, respectively. The supplemented of alkalizing amendments should be a common practice to enhance growth, yield and response to fertilization of common beans in acidic andisol soils.

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