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Price analysis of squash Cucurbita moschata in five cities of Colombia

Análisis de precios de la ahuyama Cucurbita moschata en cinco ciudades de Colombia

Antonio María Martínez Reina

The objective of this work was to analyze the behavior of the price of the smoke in the five main markets: Barranquilla, Cartagena, Montería, Sincelejo and Valledupar of the Caribbean Region of Colombia. The
data used were from the DANE Price Information System in weekly periods during the years 2012 to 2019. With the use of cointegration techniques, the relationships between the series were identified, and causality was also determined by the Granger method. The work proved that there is integration of the markets in the price formation process. The results show the comprehensiveness of the markets and the absence of causality between the prices of the five cities without the size of the market affecting this situation. It is concluded that, even in the absence of causality between the markets, they are integrated in the long term, which shows compliance with the single price law.

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