Remote sensing of crop yield sugarcane in Cacocum, Cuba.
Sensoramiento remoto del rendimiento agrícola en caña de azúcar en Cacocum, Cuba

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The study was carried out in the 2021 year with the
objective of estimating yield of sugarcane through the Normalized Difference Index of Vegetation in the "Cristino Naranjo" Sugar Company, located in the Cacocum municipality, Holguín province, Cuba. 32 randomized sample points were drawn in different months in which the images belonging to the Landsat 8 OLI/TIRS satellite projected in the WGS 84 UTM Zone 18 North system in grid 011/046 were chosen. The radiometric correction of each satellite image and the sampling scheme were carried out with the QGIS "A Coruña" software version 3.10. The value of each point was extracted with ArcGIS 10.5 after the calculation of the NDVI. For the statistical processing, Stargraphics Plus 5.0 software was used; in which, the linear regression analysis was carried out between the values obtained from the NDVI at each sampling point and the real yield values offered by specialists from the central analysis area that corresponds to the image data used. The determination of the NDVI vegetative index showed values from 0 to 0.5,
equivalent to a low vegetation in the study area. The coefficient of determination indicates that the model explains 97.8598 of the yield variability in the sugarcane crop, which can be used as a mathematical model for estimating crop yield under the edaphoclimatic conditions of the study site.
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