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Morphometric variations of seeds and physical- chemical alternatives in the germination of tamarind (Tamarindus indica L.)

Variaciones morfométricas de semillas y alternativas físico-químicas en la germinación de tamarindo (Tamarindus indica L.)

How to Cite
Hernández Murillo, J. R., Iguaran Díaz, C., Aramendiz Tatis, H. ., Espitia Camacho, M. ., & Cardona Ayala, C. . (2021). Morphometric variations of seeds and physical- chemical alternatives in the germination of tamarind (Tamarindus indica L.). Sour Topics, 26(2), 160-169.

Jenry Rafael Hernández Murillo
Camilo Iguaran Díaz
Hermes Aramendiz Tatis
Miguel Espitia Camacho
Carlos Cardona Ayala

The tamarind seed (T. indica L.) has a low germination rate due to the hard coats or some degree of impermeability, which limits imbibition and uniform root protrusion leading to uneven growth and development of seedlings in nurseries. The objective of the study was to identify economic and environmentally friendly alternatives to allow a rapid germination to break down dormancy. Morphometric characteristics of 100 fruit seeds collected in the Monteria area were measured using a randomized complete block design with five treatments and five replicate; each experimental unit consisted of 20 seeds. Data showed seeds are variable in morphology, especially length, width, and thickness. Hot water treatment did promote seed germination. Seed sowing in cattle manure and urine for 24 hours, promote germination at 11,40 and 11,80 days, with 81,0% and 84,0% seedling emergency, respectively.

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