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Microelements in seeds of advanced genotypes of Caupí beans (Vigna unguiculata L. Walp) established in a soil of Cordoba, Monteria.

Microelementos en semillas de genotipos avanzados de frijol caupí (Vigna unguiculata L. Walp) establecidas en un suelo de Córdoba, Montería.

How to Cite
Quiñones Avilés, M. ., Argel Espitia, M., Combatt Caballero, E. M., Aramendiz Tatis, H., & Mercado Lázaro, J. . (2022). Microelements in seeds of advanced genotypes of Caupí beans (Vigna unguiculata L. Walp) established in a soil of Cordoba, Monteria. Sour Topics, 27(2), 366-377.

María Quiñones Avilés
María Argel Espitia
Enrique Miguel Combatt Caballero
Hermes Aramendiz Tatis
Jaime Mercado Lázaro

The objective was to quantify the nutritional contents in seeds of different advanced genotypes of cowpea bean (Vigna unguiculata L. Walp) in the soil of Montería-Córdoba, Colombia. Seeds of 40 lines or genotypes and two commercial varieties Caupicor 50 and ICA Betancí were evaluated as controls. A completely randomized block design was used with three repetitions for a total of 126 experimental units. The seeds were initially subjected to drying in a forced circulation oven at 70 ° C for 72 hours to quantify the nutritional content. The final nitrogen content was evaluated by initially submitting the seeds to digestion in concentrated sulfuric acid for 4 hours. It was subsequently quantified using the Kjeldahl method. Finally, to determine the content of microelements, 1 g of seed was subjected to digestion with nitric, perchloric acid (3:1), and they were quantified in a piece of atomic adsorption equipment. With the information recorded in the laboratory, an analysis of variance, contrasts, and tests of Tukey averages was performed at a 5% probability. The results indicate that it existed genetic variability and genotypes LC-041-016 and LC021016 were identified with 29.2 and 29.1%, with the highest protein content, being superior to Caupicor 50 and ICA Betancí that presented contents of 25, 7 and 25.5%. The genotypes L-047 with 216.3, followed by genotypes LCPM35 and LC027016, with 159.5 and 127.3 presented the highest iron content, and the commercial witnesses Caupicor 50 and ICA Betancí, content less than the above, and the content zinc and manganese  were similar in all genotypes evaluated.

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