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Obtaining a new cocoa cultivar (Theobroma cacao L.) in Colombia “CNCH 12”

Obtención de un nuevo cultivar de cacao (Theobroma cacao L.) en Colombia “CNCH 12”

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Hincapié Echeverri, Óscar D., Hernández Pérez, P. E., Calderón Becerra , L. E., Urrego Posso, J. E., Bautista Ortiz, H., Martinez Peñuela, H., Vega Galvis, F. N., Jaimes Rangel, A., Gil Aguirre, A., & Restrepo Quiroz, T. I. (2024). Obtaining a new cocoa cultivar (Theobroma cacao L.) in Colombia “CNCH 12”. Sour Topics, 29(1).

Óscar Darío Hincapié Echeverri
Pablo Elias Hernández Pérez
Luis Eduardo Calderón Becerra
Jhorman Esteban Urrego Posso
Hernando Bautista Ortiz
Heli Martinez Peñuela
Fabio Nelson Vega Galvis
Alexander Jaimes Rangel
Alejandro Gil Aguirre
Tatiana Inés Restrepo Quiroz

Cocoa cultivation plays an important role in Colombian rural development. In addition to being identified as a potential substitute for illicit crops, cocoa provides a livelihood for some 65,000 families in Colombia. However, the low productivity of the crop indicates that its potential is still limited. The objective of this research was to evaluate the cocoa cultivar CNCh12, previously selected by Compañía Nacional de Chocolates’ breeding program, and to compare its traits with a commercial cultivar, the CCN51 clon. For both cacao cultivars the next variables were measured: productivity (Kg/Ha/year), sexual compatibility, resistance to M. roreri, beans characteristics (physical, chemical and functional), morphological traits, and the flavor of cocoa liquor. The results indicate that the cultivar CNCh12 is highly productive, self-compatible, and with moderate resistance to Frosty Pod. This genotype also has fine and flavor attributes and functional traits that satisfy the chocolate industry needs. In this way, Compañía Nacional de Chocolates consolidates its position as the first private company to develop plant materials endorsed by the National Registry of Commercial Crops of the Instituto Colombiano Agropecuario-ICA, thus strengthening the genetic diversity that the country possesses.

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