Bioavailability of phosphorus in the coffe rhizosphere and food crops by bacterial activity.
Biodisponibilidad del fósforo en la rizosfera de café y cultivos alimentarios por actividad bacteriana.
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This article is related to phosphate-solubilizing microorganisms - MSF, emphasizing on bacteria - BSF, and compiles information based on research results, which proposes the availability of phosphorus in the plant rhizosphere due to the activity of the associated microbiome, taking as a case study BSF in coffee crops worldwide. Scientific articles published until December 2023 on MSF and BSF, their isolation and their use in phytonutrition and phytosanitary were searched. The databases of Scopus, ScienceDirect, Jstore, Web of Science, Wiley Online Library were consulted using access licensed by the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana (PUJ). Also, the free access search portals ResearchGate, Scielo, Mendeley and Google Scholar. It is evident that there are few articles published in the last five years specifically on P availability due to microbial activity in coffee, which is why this type of publication is important. In relation to the use of BSF, there are biotechnological advances that allow them to be considered as alternatives for phosphorus biofertilization; however, there is a lack of research for coffee cultivation mainly in Colombia, and above all, the implementation of this technology by farmers and technicians.
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