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Morphology of the blueberry plant (Vaccinium corymbosum L.) cv. “Biloxi” under photoselective nets in Sinaloa, Mexico

Morfología de la planta de arándano (Vaccinium corymbosum L.) cv. “Biloxi” bajo mallas fotoselectivas en Sinaloa, México

How to Cite
Peñuelas Montoya, F., Sánchez Portillo, J. F., Ruiz Martínez, F. ., & Fuentes Verduzco, C. (2024). Morphology of the blueberry plant (Vaccinium corymbosum L.) cv. “Biloxi” under photoselective nets in Sinaloa, Mexico. Sour Topics, 29(2).

Francisco Peñuelas Montoya
Juan Fernando Sánchez Portillo
Fortunato Ruiz Martínez
Cipriano Fuentes Verduzco

Increase in blueberry cultivated area in Sinaloa state, Mexico, is evident; however, with introduction of the crop and edaphoclimatic requirements of the species, it is necessary to implement technologies to favor plant growth and development, such as use of photoselective nets, which reduce intensity of solar radiation, increase the amount of diffuse light, reduce stress and guarantee better plant performance. This research evaluated the photoselectivity of pearl-gray, blue-gray and anti-bird nets (22, 23 and 0% shading respectively), through photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) and ultraviolet radiation (UV) they emitted. Likewise, the impact nets caused on the functioning of blueberry plants was evaluated. The experiment consisted of a completely randomized design with four replicates in new plants of Biloxi variety. The results showed a significant reduction in PAR. The highest PAR average was obtained with blue-gray netting, followed by pearl-gray netting, with 19.2% and 15.1%, respectively. With respect to UV, the percentages varied in blue-gray netting from 16.0 to 20.1% and gray-pearl netting from 13.0 to 18.6%, compared to anti-bird netting. Plants under gray-pearl netting showed higher amounts of biomass in leaf and plants, anti-bird netting developed thicker stems with less height. In leaf, the nutritional level of boron increased on average 20% when plants were grown under gray-pearl netting. The photoselective nets reduce solar radiation, producing a favorable response for plants grown under gray-pearl netting showing a better performance and creating an option to improve the blueberry crop.

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