Bromatological characterization of eggplant (Solanum melongena L.) in the state of Córdoba
Caracterización bromatologíca de la berenjena (Solanum melongenaL.) en el Departamento de Córdoba
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The bromatologic composition of 8 selected eggplant lines (L006, L007, L008, L012, L014, L015, L016, L019), was evaluated based on humidity, ashes, total protein, ethereal extract and crude fiber using the methods of the A.O.A.C. 930, 15/90, 942. 05/90, 955. 04/90, 920. 39/90 and 962. 09/90, respectively. The total carbohydrates were calculated by the difference between the 100% and all other components but fiber. Within ashes calcium, sodium, phosphor, iron, and potassium were quantified. Potassium showed the highest quantity with a mean of 206,21 mg, calcium and sodium also showed high proportion levels with means of 68, 62 and 58,22 mg, respectively. Iron and phosphorus showed low levels in all genotypes but in line L014 with values above 15 mg. The genotypes with higher nutritious values are L016, L007, L012, L014 y L016 which, together with their desirable characteristics are the ones with potential for commercial exploitation in the national market.
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