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Classification of acid sulphate soils for the extractable sulphur in the municipalities of the low Sinu valley in the department of Córdoba

Clasificación de suelos sulfatados ácidos según azufre extraíble en los municipios del medio y bajo Sinú en Córdoba

How to Cite
Combatt Cabellero, E. M., Palencia, G., & Marin, N. (2003). Classification of acid sulphate soils for the extractable sulphur in the municipalities of the low Sinu valley in the department of Córdoba. Sour Topics, 8(2), 22-29.

Enrique Miguel Combatt Cabellero
Graciliano Palencia
Norvey Marin

The food production in the low and mid Sinu Valley and in the Cordoba Department in general has been diminished in the last decade without knowing what kind of physical, chemical, biological or entropic factor is causing it. One chemical factor could be the formation of sulphate acid soils that currently are widespread in this area. In order to make an approximation to the classification of this type of soils, an archive analysis of the soil laboratory of the Universidad de Cordoba has been pursued using 200 chemical studies samples of acid sulphate soils. A cluster analysis with a R2 of 95% for five classification group was used. The soil group characterized itself for having a mean S amount of 155.9 ppm, in 65% of the samples saturation percentages of 2.61% of Al, 39.61% of Mg and 39.61% of Na were observed. The third group has a mean S of 593.1 ppm, 9.92% of the studies with 5.13% of Al, 37% of Mg and 5.0 of Na. The fifth group has S mean of 1,933 ppm, for the 2.12% of the analysis 2.1% of Al, 28.2% of Mg and 2.4% of Na. These data show the formation of saline soils in these territories.

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