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Phytoparasitic nematodes associated to papaya crops (Carica papaya L.) in Córdoba

Nematodos fitoparasitos asociados al cultivo de papaya (Carica papaya L.) en Córdoba

How to Cite
Espinosa, M., Fuentes, K., Jaraba Navas, J. D. D., & Lozano Triviño, Z. (2004). Phytoparasitic nematodes associated to papaya crops (Carica papaya L.) in Córdoba. Sour Topics, 9(1), 13-20.

Manuel Espinosa
Ketty Fuentes
Juan De Dios Jaraba Navas
Zayda Lozano Triviño

The main objective of the present research was to identify phytoparasitic nematodes associated to papaya’s crops in the Córdoba department and link their presence with soil characteristic. Soil and root samples were taken from Tierralta, Valencia, Montelíbano, Montería and Lorica. the samples were evaluated with respect to pH, EC, OM and texture, and morphological and morphometric variables were evaluated to identify nematode genus and species. The genus found were Paratylenchus, Xiphinema, Helicotylenchus, Pratylenchus, Tylenchus, Ditylenchus, Trophurus, Aphelenchus, Psilenchus, Tylenchorhynchus, Criconemella , Hoplolaimus and Meloidogyne , and the species were Meloidogyne javanica , M. incognita y M. arenaria. The pH ranged between 4.6 to 6.9, the CE between 0.097 and 1.4 dS m- 1 , OM between 1.2 and 3,1% and texture was found to be sandy, mixed and sandy-mixed. Sand ranged between 45 and 86%, clay between 3 and 22% and mud between 10.9 and 47%. The correlation analysis found that while sand content favors pH, EC and OM affect negatively the number of phytoparasitic nematodes in the Cordoba department. The results showed for first time the simultaneous presence of M. incognita, M javanica y M. arenaria affecting papaya crops in the Colombian Northern Coast.

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