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Somatic embryogenesis in three avocado (Persea americana Mill.) cultivars

Embriogénesis somática en tres cultivares de aguacate (Persea americana Mill.)

How to Cite
Suárez Padrón, I. E., Litz, R., & Jaraba Navas, J. D. D. (2004). Somatic embryogenesis in three avocado (Persea americana Mill.) cultivars. Sour Topics, 9(2), 32-41.

Isidro Elias Suárez Padrón
Richard Litz
Juan De Dios Jaraba Navas

Embryogenic cultures were induced from the nucelli of three avocado cultivars on B5 medium supplemented with MS minor salts, 0.41 ? M picloram and (in mg L -1) thiamina HCl (0.4), myo-inositol (100), sucrose (30.000) and TC-agar (8.000). The tissues were maintained on MS medium supplemented with 0.41 ? M picloram and (in mg L -1) thiamina HCl (0.4), myo-inositol (100), sucrose (45.000) and TC agar (8.000). The suspension cultures were inoculated in a modification of MS with 15 mM NH4NO3 and 30 mM KNO3 supplemented with 0.41 ? M picloram and (in mg L -1) thiamina HCl (0.4), myo-inositol (100) and sucrose (45.000). The somatic embryos developed on MS supplemented with (in mg L-1) sucrose (30.000), myo inositol (100) and Gel Gro (6.000), and plants were recovered from developed somatic embryos on MS3:1N supplemented with 1.0 ? M benzyladenine y 10 ? M de gibberelic acid. The statistical analyses showed that there were no significant differences ( pr>0.05) among the cultivars with respect to frequencies of induction and number of PEMs, HHE and Total SEs; however, there were significant differences ( pr<0.001) with respect to the number of somatic embryos developed. Only the cultivar ‘Vero Beach’SE2 recovered plant from the developed somatic embryos indicating the possibility of rescue avocado clones from nucellar tissue> r< 0.001) with respect to the number of somatic embryos developed. Only the cultivar ‘Vero Beach’SE2 recovered plant from the developed somatic embryos indicating the possibility of rescue avocado clones from nucellar tissue

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